Article en anglais

DSOs are facing new challenges to deploy Electric Smart meters

All DSOs have already conducted Metering projects to deploy Electric Meters. In consequence, they already know how to conduct such project and the general key success factors (e.g. defining a proper qualification process or ensuring good logistics during deployment).
However, it is often the first time DSOs want to deploy Smart meters. They can build on their own experience of previous Metering projects but they also have to face new challenges for which they have less knowledge.

Key Success factors related to G3 connectivity

These new challenges come from the fact that Smart meters communicate : DSOs have to be able to manage all the communication links existing in their system to properly operate it.
To help them, we have identified 4 Key Success factors related to G3 connectivity (G3-PLC and G3-Hybrid) to tackle these new challenges : this article explores them in relation with the different typical project steps detailed below.

1st Key Success factor : Skills acquisition

This one is quite obvious but often underestimated or not prioritised : you need to gain knowledge about G3 technology and its characteristics

  • During tender preparation, it is important to understand how G3 technology works to make informed architectural choices
  • During rollout preparation, you will need to test your equipment before installation : you have to understand what is already covered by the G3-Alliance Certification program to identify the tests you have to perform yourself. You also need to understand the constraints related to G3 deployment to define an adequate roll-out methodology/strategy
  • During operation/maintenance, you need to understand how to diagnose a G3-based system to develop a troubleshooting methodology and train technicians

2nd Key Success factor : Clear and complete specifications

It is important you include all requirements related to G3 technology in your tender specifications :

  • You need to assess the possible architecture options and identify their pros/cons to properly specify the one you will select (e.g. data concentrator vs gateway)
  • You need to integrate G3 benefits and take into account G3 constraints when defining the use-cases you want to include in your specification
  • You need to define a G3 profile specification detailing how G3 will be used (band, version, optional features, …) and including the specification of upper layers mechanisms : it is recommended to ask external party to review this specification to ensure clarity, especially if interoperability needs to be achieved
  • It is recommended to include two selection criteria specific to G3 technology : one to assess the maturity of the applicant on G3 technology and a second to define the expected performance based on G3-Alliance Certification PICS

3rd Key Success factor : G3 network management

Being able to manage a G3 network is one of the key points as it is usually a new activity for a DSO. One of the main outcome is to develop a troubleshooting methodology to analyse, diagnose and solve G3 connectivity concerns :

  • First, you have to be able to monitor the G3 network to identify connectivity concerns (e.g. network stability, unreachable meter) : advanced indicators is required for this, beyond the typical “daily collection rate”. Being able to access to G3 status and logs in DC/Gateway is also very helpful to have a better understanding of the G3 network
  • Then, you have to be able to analyse and diagnose these concerns : G3 protocol offers useful features for this that are usually included in G3 products but cannot be used as they are rarely accessible from the Information System
  • Finally, you have to identify and select the options you can use to fix the issues and optimise the G3 connectivity. One of the option is to optimise G3 parameters : a default configuration has been defined but this configuration may not be the best in all situations. It is then recommended to request access to the configuration of these parameters for being able to solve issues in those situations

As you can see, the definition of an efficient troubleshooting methodology has to be anticipated during the tender preparation. It is important at this stage to understand the G3-related use cases and requirements to manage a G3 network to include everything in the tender specifications.

4th Key Success factor : Standards and certified products

Finally, it is important to define your specifications based as much as possible on standards

  • It allows you to reduce specific requirements you may need to include in your specifications
  • If certification program exists, you can rely on it
    • We recommend to request certification of your products : for G3, we recommend to request the latest available version (you can check it on the G3-Alliance website, section “Certification”)
    • When designing your test lab to test/validate delivered equipment before installation/deployment, you can reduce your testing scope : minimal testing scope must cover integration, interoperability (if relevant) and possibly performance and scalability. Conformance is usually covered by certification program, except for specific use cases you may request

Get prepared as soon as possible !

We have seen a lot of customer asking for help as they were facing issues after the rollout. Our conclusion is that it was often too late because :

  • They were lacking information to know what was happening (system seen as a “black box”)
  • They were lacking features offered by G3 protocol useful for field diagnosis
  • They were lacking solutions to solve the identified issues

As we have highlighted in this article, a lot of activities have to be done during the tender preparation. Take into account our experience : the main key success factor is to get prepared early in your process, before the rollout!

Yannick Huc
Yannick Huc
Olivier Genest
Olivier Genest