Trialog and its partners have organised a conference (Oct 4 2016) in the Perche region to present the outcome of the project Perche Digital involving 100 seniors.
Perche Digital is a pilot of the European project ReAAL, co-funded by the European Commission, Carsat Centre, CNAV and Centre-Val-de-Loire Region and Trialog.
Projet ReAAL aimed to study the impact of digital services using the universAAL platform on the well-being, the health and the active ageing of elderly. A large number of similar pilots were deployed in Europe (13 pilots) in order to derive lessons and recommendations to build the future deployment of applications and services for the benefit of seniors in the generic framework of the Silver Economie.
This study has been performed with more than 5 000 end-users in Europe (Spain, Danmark, Netherlands, Italy, Germany and France).
Perche Digital, one of the pilot, managed by TRIALOG with the Pôle d’Equilibre Territoiral Rural (PETR) du Perche d’Eure-et-Loir and the Lycée Nermont de Nogent-le-Rotrou) aimed at deploying and assessing several digital applications on tablets and smartphones.
A document (in French) presenting the results of the project is available here.