

Trialog exhibits during European Utility Week 2016

Trialog will be present at European Utility Week 2016, from Nov. 15th to Nov. 17th in Barcelona. Please come and meet us there on our booth 3D101.2 (French Pavillon). Trialog will also showcase its approach for Enhancing the resilience of smart grid communication networks on Wednesday November 16th at 14:10, on the French Pavillon (booth [...]

Trialog has presented the outcome of the project Perche Digital

Trialog and its partners have organised a conference (Oct 4 2016) in the Perche region to present the outcome of the project Perche Digital involving 100 seniors. Perche Digital is a pilot of the European project ReAAL, co-funded by the European Commission, Carsat Centre, CNAV and Centre-Val-de-Loire Region and Trialog. Projet ReAAL aimed to study [...]

Trialog G3-PLC Simulator at WSPLC’16 workshop.

During WSPLC'16, an international workshop on PowerLine Communications (PLC), Olivier Genest from Trialog has presented our G3-PLC Network Simulator. This simulator allows to connect loads and nodes, draw cables, and to simulate a G3-PLC network. Indicators such as success rate, latency, etc. can be extracted. The simulator has been used to compare the network performances [...]

ISO/IEC 27550 Privacy Engineering Project Approved

ISO/IEC approved today project ISO/IEC 27550 - Information technologies - Security techniques - Privacy engineering. The project manager of ISO 27550 will be Antonio Kung from Trialog. ISO 27550 will be based on the result of the PRIPARE project and of the ISO/IEC SC27/WG5 study period on privacy engineering framework.

Trialog at eHealth Week in Amsterdam

The partners of the ReAAL project will be present at the Amsterdam event: eHealth Week, June 8th and 9th. TRIALOG, Fraunhofer IDG, SYNDESIS, Polytecnica Valencia, NCSR, Mibida, MedicineMen. Trialog and his partners will demonstrate several eHealth and Social Applications, using the open source universAAL for enabling the semantic interoperability. The value proposition of universAAL will [...]

2nd Webinar Addressing Privacy in Smart Cities

Antonio Kung from Trialog made a presentation on May 12th, 2016, in a webinar organised by the European Initiative Platform on smart cities and communities (EIP-SCC). Topics covered were the following: Integration of privacy management, first from a demand side viewpoint and secondly from the supply side viewpoint Overview of the privacy-by-design and privacy impact [...]

Webinar Addressing Privacy in Smart Cities

Antonio Kung from Trialog made a presentation on April 28th, 2016, in a webinar organised by the European Initiative Platform on smart cities and communities (EIP-SCC). Topics covered were the following: introduction to privacy and today regulation context, privacy from a policy maker viewpoint, example of city of Murcia, example of product. See program and [...]

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