The challenge of energy supply and distribution in European islands The challenge of energy supply and distribution in European islands The challenge of energy supply and distribution in European islandsTrialog2021-09-29T15:09:21+02:00April 24th, 2019|Energy, News|
An innovative recharging solution in the collective residential sector An innovative recharging solution in the collective residential sector An innovative recharging solution in the collective residential sectorTrialog2021-09-29T13:22:03+02:00April 17th, 2019|E-Mobility, News|
TRIALOG contributes to OCPP 2.0 protocol development TRIALOG contributes to OCPP 2.0 protocol development TRIALOG contributes to OCPP 2.0 protocol developmentTrialog2019-01-30T10:58:03+01:00January 25th, 2019|E-Mobility, News|
AI challenges current practices on security and personal data protection AI challenges current practices on security and personal data protection AI challenges current practices on security and personal data protectionTrialog2019-03-05T11:57:18+01:00January 23rd, 2019|Cyber-security & Privacy, News|
Trialog has released its new training offer for smart metering Trialog has released its new training offer for smart metering Trialog has released its new training offer for smart meteringTrialog2024-11-15T13:44:15+01:00January 23rd, 2019|Energy, News|
Work goes on for La Faculté Digitale in the territory of Châlons-en-Champagne Work goes on for La Faculté Digitale in the territory of Châlons-en-Champagne Work goes on for La Faculté Digitale in the territory of Châlons-en-ChampagneTrialog2019-01-30T10:55:50+01:00January 22nd, 2019|Health & Social, News|
Meet Trialog at the European Utility Week in Vienna (November 6th-8th 2018) Meet Trialog at the European Utility Week in Vienna (November 6th-8th 2018) Meet Trialog at the European Utility Week in Vienna (November 6th-8th 2018)Trialog2018-10-23T21:49:15+02:00October 23rd, 2018|Energy, News|
Strategies and guidelines for the privacy of Smart Cities Strategies and guidelines for the privacy of Smart Cities Strategies and guidelines for the privacy of Smart CitiesTrialog2018-07-12T08:41:11+02:00June 20th, 2018|Cyber-security & Privacy, News|
Presentation to ETSI workshop on IoT security and privacy, June 12th 2018 Presentation to ETSI workshop on IoT security and privacy, June 12th 2018 Presentation to ETSI workshop on IoT security and privacy, June 12th 2018Trialog2018-06-15T14:45:49+02:00June 15th, 2018|Cyber-security & Privacy, News|