

Trialog chairs a panel on big data and privacy in CPDP 2018, January 25th, 2018

Trialog organised on behalf of the H2020 AutoMat project a panel during the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (CPDP2018) in Brussels from January 24th to 26th, 2018. The panel was entitled “Combining business protection and privacy protection practices in big data market places”. More info: AutoMat project website Conference website Video

An automated electrical grid characterization as a PLC channel is now possible

Using the existing electrical grid infrastructures as a communication channel is definitely a real opportunity for a fast and affordable deployment of smart grid or smart city projects. But how to be sure that the grid will support powerline communication (PLC)? Over the past years, Trialog has conducted several measurement campaigns to characterize the electrical [...]

Paper presented at the C&ESAR 2017 conference: Data protection in the face of cybersecury threat

Trialog and CoESSI presented a paper at the C&ESAR 2017 conference (data protection in the face of cybersecury threat) on November 27th, 2017 in Rennes. The paper is entitled « An ecosystem vision of security and data protection for the internet of things ». More information: Conference web site Conference proceedings and presentations

Trialog will contribute to the 2018 VEDECOM training program

The VEDECOM Institute will offer 14 modules dedicated to autonomous, connected and electric vehicles, their stakes and integration into territories during 2018: designed and hosted by VEDECOM researchers and experts combining theory and practice (in lab or with vehicles on tracks) Their themes: Functional and technical aspects Human factors: behavior and usage Societal stakes Legal [...]

GDPR compliance addressed during EIP-SCC meetings (11-12 Oct 2017)

The European Innovation Platform on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) action cluster meeting and general assembly took place in Brussels on Oct 11th and Oct 12th, 2017. Antonio Kung, chair of the "citizen approach to data: privacy-by-design" initiative presented the results of the GDPR compliance workshop held in Milan for the SharingCities H2020 project as [...]

Meet Trialog at the Nordic Edge Expo (September 26th to 28th 2017)

We are pleased to inform you that Trialog will participate in the 2017 Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger, Norway from September 26th to 28th where we will share a booth with Nexans. We would enjoy meeting you to discuss your needs and what we can do for you. Don’t hesitate to email us, come meet [...]

Meet Trialog at the European Utility Week in Amsterdam (October 3rd-5th 2017)

The European Utility Week is one of the major European exhibition on Smart Metering and Smart Grid. More than 12 000 participants and 600 exhibitors are joining the European Utility Week each year. The 2017 exhibition will be held in Amsterdam (Netherlands) from October 3rd to 5th. Trialog will be on the booth of the G3-PLC [...]

Trialog presents a common cybersecurity architecture in ITU intelligent transport workshop on August 28th, 2017

Trialog made a presentation entitled "Towards a Common Cybersecurity Architecture Framework for Intelligent Transport" during a workshop organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva held on August 28th, 2017. The presentation was the result of contributions made in the CTI project (Cybersecurity of Intelligent Transport) of the SystemX institute for technological research. The [...]

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