

Webinar Addressing Privacy in Smart Cities

Antonio Kung from Trialog made a presentation on April 28th, 2016, in a webinar organised by the European Initiative Platform on smart cities and communities (EIP-SCC). Topics covered were the following: introduction to privacy and today regulation context, privacy from a policy maker viewpoint, example of city of Murcia, example of product. See program and [...]

Open Day SystemX

TRIALOG will participate to the SystemX open day on March 10th, 2016. A Cybersecurity demonstration for autonomous vehicles will be showcased. The demonstration uses Trialog security stack (conforming to ETSI and IEEE standards). You can meet us in the ISE project booth.

Panel on Privacy Impact Assessment – CPDP 2016

The PARIS project organised on January 28th, 2016 a panel during the CPDP 2016 conference on PIAs (Privacy Impact Assessment) entitled Towards Agreed Practices for Privacy Impact Assessments. The panel was chaired by Antonio Kung from Trialog.

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