

Trialog member of the Avere-France to promote e-mobility, essential asset of a Smart City

Trialog is a renowned center of expertise on the issues of eMobility. To support the construction of a French sector of excellence for eMobility, Trialog decided at the beginning of 2017 to join the Avere-France association. Trialog promotes smart charging to deliver the best charging service for the end user, through the best user experience, [...]

Report on privacy-by-design for the Internet of Things

Trialog has published for the PRIPARE initiative on privacy-by-design a report on security and privacy in the internet of things. This report advocates an interoperability viewpoint based on three levels: the application level, the semantic interoperability level and the object level. The rationale of the approach is that it fits better with the structure of [...]

GDPR workshop for the SharingCities smart city project

The SharingCities ( smart city projet including the cities of London, Milan, Lisbon, Bordeaux, Warsaw, and Burgas organized on March 7th and 8th a workshop in London on compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation that will have to be applied on May 25th, 2018 in Europe. The workshop was led by Antonio Kung, chair [...]

Trialog member of the Silver Valley cluster to accelerate the innovation

Trialog is pursuing the development of social and health innovation in collaboration with the stakeholders in the rural and urban areas. To accelerate innovations, Trialog believes in the value of the Silver Economy ecosystem within a local area. Within the Silver Valley cluster in France and other clusters in Europe, Trialog estalishes partnerships with members to [...]

Trialog exhibits at FIC 2017, the 9th international cybersecurity forum

The 24th and 25th of January 2017, the 9th International Security Forum will be held in Lille. During this major event, Trialog will be present on the IRT SystemX booth (D23). As core partner of two SystemX projects about cybersecurity of C-ITS and autonomous vehicles, Trialog is one of the 3 SMEs invited to have [...]

Trialog is the coordinator of a new H2020 robotics project, within a Europe-Japan cooperation

Trialog is the coordinator of the H2020 project ACCRA about robotics as part of a Europe-Japan partnership. This project aims to develop intelligent applications using the capabilities of domestic robots to help elderly in their daily live. The solutions will be developed by international teams (France, Italy, Netherlands, Japan) through a co-creation process with users [...]

Interflex, a major European smart grid project, starts on January 1st 2017

Trialog is a partner of Interflex, a new European smart grid project, funded by Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Interflex will investigate during 36 months the INTERactions between FLEXibilities provided by energy market players and the distribution grid. This project will particularly focus on energy storage, electric vehicles, demand response, islanding, grid automation and [...]

BienVEnu wins the Grid Intelligence Award

BienVEnu Project wins the Grid Intelligence Award delivered on November 15th at the European Utility Week We are honoured to share this news, as a partner and responsible for the functional architecture and interoperability tests of the BienVEnu Project, At the heart of the ongoing Energy Transition, BienVEnu is a simple solution of electric charging [...]

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