Smart Energy – Main Page2024-03-28T10:37:26+01:00

As the proportion of distributed energy resources (DER) increases, and electrical vehicles are being deployed, the transmission and distribution electricity grids have to become smarter and more flexible, ensure reliability, and improve efficiency. Also, there is an opportunity for loads and generators to offer novel services to support the grid or local interests.

Therefore, a Smart Energy system is required to reach these targets, including not only a smart grid but also taking the opportunity for loads and generators to offer novel services supporting the system. Based on a convergence of energy grids and telecommunication networks, enabling a real-time monitoring and control of the energy system, the main system objectives include balancing production and consumption, maximizing DER integration (local or global), reducing energy bills, identifying and fixing grid issues and anticipating grid maintenance needs.

Fig. x ~ Future smart energy system, leveraging flexibility

Based on its strong knowledge of smart metering and e-mobility, Trialog is working on smart energy systems since 2012 via several research and innovation projects but also industrial projects around grid observability, advanced grid control, flexibilities, local energy communities, energy storage, energy management, vehicle-to-grid, smart home, smart building, … and associated horizontal technologies such as semantic interoperability, internet of things, data spaces, digital twin, …

Trialog also supports the ecosystem by contributing to EU initiatives such as BRIDGE and ETIP SNET and international standardization committees.

Trialog’s main added value focuses on architecture, design, validation and deployment phases, offering tools and support on system architecture and modeling (incl. SGAM), smart grid standards, cyber-security, interoperability and system validation.

Reference documents:

The table below lists important references for the smart energy domain. The documents to which we have contributed are marked with an asterisk.

Titre du doc Organisation Lien Auteur
European (energy) data exchange reference architecture 3.0 BRIDGE Link *
Reference Framework BRIDGE Link *
ETIP SNET, R&I implementation plan 2022-2025 ETIP SNET Link
Data Spaces for Energy, Home and Mobility OPEN-DEI Link *
Design principles for Data Spaces IDSA Link *
Interoperability Framework in Energy Data Spaces IDSA Link *
Common European Energy Data Space EnTEC Link
Code of Conduct on energy management related interoperability of Energy Smart Appliances JRC Link
Implementing Regulation on interoperability requirements and non-discriminatory and transparent procedures for access to metering and consumption data SGTF Link

Also, Trialog published the following articles related to smart energy:

Titre du papier Journal/Conf Lien
Towards an interoperability roadmap for the energy transition e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (July 2023) Link
How to ensure interoperability in demand response systems: the examples of the European projects H2020 GIFT and MAESHA 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) Link
EV-based flexibility for grid operators 11th Symposium Communications for Energy Systems (ComForEn 2021) Link
SAREF-Compliant Knowledge Discovery for Semantic Energy and Grid Interoperability 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) Link
Fostering the relation and the connectivity between smart homes and grids – InterConnect project CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop Link
Identification of common services in European Flexibility Demonstrators for Laboratory-based Interoperability Validation 2019 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Link
SGAM-Based Comparative Study of Interoperability Challenges in European Flexibility Demonstrators: Methodology And Results 2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) Link


2nd Webinar Addressing Privacy in Smart Cities

May 20th, 2016|

Webinar Addressing Privacy in Smart Cities

April 29th, 2016|

Trialog in the 2016 Smart City Summit & Expo

March 17th, 2016|

Open Day SystemX

March 10th, 2016|

PRIPARE Methodology Handbook for Privacy Engineering Announced

March 7th, 2016|

Panel on Privacy Impact Assessment – CPDP 2016

January 29th, 2016|


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